A Night to Unite for Ukraine

General Projects
Buckley Gray Yeoman
ING Media



Visual Identity
Event Design

A Night to Unite for Ukraine was a fundraiser event created by developers General Projects and architects BuckleyGrayYeoman, with support from ING Media. The goal was to galvanise the support of their vast, creative networks to raise money for those working on the ground in Ukraine.

The logo was inspired by the lettering on the Bauhaus building, a nod to creativity in the face of oppression and invasion.

They chose to support British-Ukrainian Aid, a charity doing vital work providing essential medical aid to Ukraine, as well as helping orphaned children, the elderly, internally displaced persons, and refugees. We were honoured at TC & Friends to work on the identity and promotional materials for the event. The event was held at Technique and raised over £55,000 in support of British-Ukrainian Aid.

Additional logo variations used for event posters

Exhibition boards featuring the logo and its variations on display during the fundraiser.

In addition to lending our design skills, we also contributed artwork for the general auction. Hand-embroidered by myself in-studio, ‘The Prymachenko Dove’ inspired by renowned Ukrainian folk artist Maria Prymachenko’s 1982 painting ‘A Dove Spreads Her Wings and Asks for Peace'.


X MUSE Reveal Series

